Before Libby was born, I scoured the internet for the top baby items to add to our registry. To be honest it was really overwhelming, especially because I knew nothing about babies prior. Social media makes it seem like you need everything. But in reality, babies don’t require much – at the end of the day they just need a place to sleep, clean diapers and clothes, a full belly, and love.
However, over the last two months or so I’ve definitely discovered which products I LOVE and ones I can do without. I figured it may be helpful to share a simple list of what’s worked for us so far, for those mom’s-to-be who also feel overwhelmed.
Most used items:
- Baby Shusher – This is the real MVP of the list. Buy it. We have used it every single day for naps since Libby was born. My only complaint is I wish it stayed on longer than 30 minutes. Other than that, I honestly don’t know how we’d have survived the last few weeks without this shusher. Libby has never been a baby that easily falls asleep, so we quickly found out she benefited from the ‘extra help’ of the shushing sound.

2. Hatch Sound Machine – Like the shusher, I don’t know how we’d have survived without the Hatch. We use this at night time and it helps drown out noises in the house. Specifically, we found the washing machine sound to work best through trial and error. We’ve been using that setting since! I know that we’ll use this sound machine for years to come, so it’s majorly worth the money. You can also connect it to your phone to change the settings which is pretty cool!

3. Baby Breeza – I’ll preface this by saying fed is best, but if you plan on formula feeding your baby then the Breeza will make your life so much easier. We recently started supplementing / combo feeding and the Breeza has made making bottles so simple. It’s pretty much like a Keurig for formula! Highly recommend. For those curious, we’ve been using this formula. Definitely talk to your pediatrician, but so far this has been working for us, and I love how it’s subscription based (again, I’m not a doctor this is just our experience!) I spent a lot of time researching formulas and felt most comfortable with the ingredients in this formula.

4. Comotomo Bottles – There are so many bottles on the market but these are our favorite. I like how they’re only three pieces, which makes washing parts a lot easier (some bottles have 5+ parts). I plan on buying the larger size when it’s time to up Libby’s bottles down the road.

5. Bassinet – Again, there are so many bassinets on the market but this is the one we use and recommend. It definitely took some time for Libby to sleep in here. We originally had it at the end of our bed….which didn’t work. We then moved it right next to our bed and for some reason Libby has been content since (but this took time and some rough nights!) I didn’t see the need to spend hundreds on a bassinet since ultimately Libby will move to her crib, so this one did the trick as far as price point.

6. Dock a tot – When Libby wasn’t contact napping, she was napping in her dock a tot the first few weeks of her life. We still have trouble getting her to fall asleep on her own in here, but she does decently well being transferred to it once asleep (I think most babies aren’t this picky though!). I really like how portable this is, and it’s another place to set her down when I need free hands.

7. Blankets – Okay this one may seem silly, but I didn’t realize how frequently we’d use blankets with a newborn! My favorite are from TBBC, which I try to get on sale (several prints are currently $17 for Black Friday!!!)– you can also monogram them. We use these mostly when we go on walks, but also for contact napping. I definitely recommend having several blankets on hand!

8. Swaddles – 1 and 2 – If it wasn’t for a swaddle, I’m pretty sure Libby wouldn’t have slept at all the first few weeks. We used this one up until about 6 weeks – I bought 2 packs of 3 because the price was right. It was the only swaddle at the time that worked for us (Libby had major startle reflexes and never could keep still). It’s also pretty user friendly with the velcro, so not too much of a learning curve. I admit, I never got the hang of swaddling a baby so I really relied on this product.
Recently we transitioned to this swaddle once Libby started showing signs of rolling. Ya’ll…… this swaddle/sleep sack was a game changer. Definitely do your research regarding weighted swaddles, but I just wanted to share what works for us. The first night I put Libby in this swaddle with her arms free, she had her best night sleep to date – a win in my book! I immediately ordered another one, and it’s worth the price. Trust me.

9. MAM pacifiers – If your little one is like ours, they will be picky with pacifiers. We tried several brands (including these and these which are supposed to be some of the best), but little Libby will only take the MAM as of now. I think she prefers these because of their size – they’re smaller and stay in her mouth easier. However every baby is different…..

10. Sleepers – With zippers or magnets – This probably is a no brainer, but Libby practically has lived in footie pajamas the first two months of her life. I quickly learned that the ones with zippers are the way to go (especially with zippers that start at the foot vs the top)!! Trust me you don’t want to be buttoning up a sleeper at 2 am in the dark…. I also love the magnetic footies, but they’re a little pricier.
There are so many different brands out on the market, but I found that I love this brand by Target (specifically these footies because they are thin and perfect for under a swaddle). I also really like the Kyte brand, Kissy Kissy, and TBBC for more of a splurge.

11. Mittens – A must-have for our little girl. She hasn’t been able to keep her hands off her face since the day she was born. These mittens ease my anxiety about her scratching her face/eyes. We mainly try to use these now only when she naps/sleeps to avoid scratches.
I love how this is a large pack because I was losing them all over the house. If you aren’t a fan of mittens, I recommend the sleepers that have the little mittens built in. These seem to work for most babies, but not for our girl – she would bust out of them!

12. Muslin Burp Clothes – Burp clothes are obviously a necessity and this is nothing special, but we really love these and they come in a ton of colors. They wash really well, and I love how they come in packs of 6 so that we have a TON around the house.

13. Bjourn – This was pricey and not necessarily a necessity, but a contraption we’re finding ourselves using more and more as Libby grows! I love how it folds down to nothing, making it easy to move from room to room or travel with. You can attach these toys to keep your little one entertained. It also grows with your baby and should last until around they’re around 30 lbs (newborn up to toddler age 2 per the website). Knowing this will last awhile, makes the price seem more worth it!

14. Swing – This is a recent favorite and took Libby some warming up to (she originally wouldn’t sit there without screaming until about 7-8 weeks old). Now at over two months, Libby loves it! Mommy also loves having another safe spot to put baby down. There are also a ton of swings out there, but we really have loved this one so far!

15. Clothing Brands – I know this list will probably change with age, but for now I really love TBBC, Shrimp and Grits, Cecil and Lou, Target, H&M, Janie and Jack, and Stevie J’s (for bows like the one she’s wearing above). TBBC has the best sales, and that’s usually when I’ve been stocking up (Libby’s spring/summer 2023 is pure perfection haha). I basically love anything pima cotton, so I tend to look for that when buying her clothes (especially items she’ll wear time and time again like sleepers!)
Anyways, I hope this list was helpful for ya’ll. I know our favorites will change with age, but so far these have been the must-haves from newborn up until age 2 months. I will definitely continue to share more as Libby grows <3

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