Libby turns three months old on Saturday, and my Mommy heart can’t even handle it. I can honestly say these past three months have been some of the best in my life. Of course there were hard days and long nights, but those moments are far outweighed by all of the goodness. Libby brings so much joy to our family, I can’t even put it into words. We love her so much <3

This week has been one I have been dreading for quite some time….returning to work. I know some people are ready to get back into a routine, but that is definitely not me. So if you feel the same, please know you aren’t alone. If I could spend every second with my girl, I definitely would. I really believe becoming a Mom has been my calling, and I finally feel like I’m right where I’m supposed to be – as sappy as that sounds.

But anyways, enough about me. In today’s post I really wanted to share more pictures from our lifestyle session with Lindsey Martin. Looking at these now, I can’t get over how tiny Libby was! She has grown from a teeny tiny one month old who couldn’t fit into any of her 0-3 clothes, to a healthy little (almost) three month old.

Her little personality is also starting to shine through more and more each day. She is no longer a sleepy newborn who spends most of her time napping on Mommy, but instead a baby who loves to have ‘chats,’ swing in her swing, spend time outside, look around the room, and watch tv (haha). My favorite time of the day is taking her out of the bassinet in the morning – she has the BIGGEST smile and is so excited to see us. I always wish I can freeze these moments in time…..

At three months, Libby is smiling up a storm. I’m pretty sure she had her first ‘laugh’ the other day too! She is starting to grab at toys; especially her rattles, little bug, and piggy blankie. She now will nap in her swing or the occasional crib nap at night – which as nice as it is to have my arms free, a part of me still misses spending every nap with her in my arms.
Libby also took her first trip out of state to the Outer Banks over Thanksgiving. If you follow me on Instastories, you probably saw that Myles and I spent a week in Nagshead in a beautiful house overlooking the sound. We took Libby to the boardwalk in Manteo, the aquarium, and of course to the beach to see the ocean for the first time. While we missed spending time with our family, this trip as a family of three was much needed for some quality time together. Myles even cooked a Thanksgiving turkey bread, which I think may be a new tradition.

As I sit here writing this, I still can’t believe we have a three month old. I really can’t remember life before her. She is such a blessing! I’m trying to soak up every day with her and make as many memories as we can together. Time is so fleeting……
“Libby, your Mommy and Daddy love you so much. We can’t wait to continue watching you grow!”

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