Libby is officially NINE months old as of June 10th! I can’t believe we’re already at this point. She’s been outside of my belly as long as she was on the inside- which is WILD.
It’s been awhile since I’ve shared a Libby update on the blog, so I figured this milestone was the perfect time. Last month our family spent a week at one of our favorite places, OBX, and had a sunset shoot with Erin from Lundy Photography. She was beyond wonderful to work with, and I can’t get over the pictures she took of our little family. These are now some of my favorite to date <3 We met at South Nagshead and pretty much had the beach to ourself as the sun went down. It was a beyond beautiful evening…but I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves. I 100% recommend Erin for anyone visiting OBX and wanting to have a family photoshoot. I hope we get the opportunity to shoot with her again in the near future!!

As far as little Libby goes, she has grown before our very own eyes over the last few months. She no longer seems like an ‘infant’ and more like a ‘soon-to-be toddler’. While it’s exciting to watch her hit all of these milestones, it also makes me tear up a little at how fast the time is flying.

Libby LOVES to stay busy these days. She isn’t crawling yet, but she loves to roll around all over her nursery. She has figured out how to army crawl/scoot her way to toys in front of her, and I know crawling is in the near future….
Libby sits independently now and recently loves to stand and jump on her little leggies. She is a BIG fan of toys and books, and I’m constantly amazed at how well her little brain works when she’s focusing on anything in front of her. She’s always loved her rings, blocks, piano, and ‘cuppies,’ but recently she’s been a fan of her Lovevery play kit and puzzles!

Libby is babbling up a storm and loves to try to repeat our words. Favorites include: “mamamamama,” “uh oh,” “cool,” “gaga,” and we’re working on “dadada,” “more” and “MEOW!.” She loves blowing raspberries and making other smacking noises with her mouth, as well as clapping. She is a very talkative little girl!

As far as eating goes, Libby is still on 4 bottles a day (6-7 ounces) and we’ve been working on introducing solids. She’s a major fan of purees – specifically Little Spoon – but also loves avocado, bananas, yogurt, strawberries, and puffs. She’s holding her spoon on her own, and we’re getting there with her pincher grasp. Libby is definitely ready for more ‘real food,’ but it makes me nervous. We’ve been taking it slow with small pieces. I know we’ll both get there in time!
We’ve also been working on drinking water out of a sippy cup and straw cup. She LOVES the straw cup, but moreso playing with it than drinking out of it, hahah.

OH and I forgot to mention, Libby also has two little bottom teeth! They broke through in early May and she was such a trooper. While I miss her little gummy smile, I simply adore her little teethies <3

Libby’s personality has definitely shown through more and more over the last few months. She is sweet, but slightly sassy. SUPER smiley, but also can be serious around strangers. Talkative, but also quiet and can independently play on her own at times. This girl knows what she wants and how she wants it, and will let you know too haha!

She is the absolute best little girl, and such a happy baby. Myles and I just adore her so much and are so thankful for her everyday. I can’t wait to continue watching her grow and develop. These past 9 months have been the best of my life, and I cherish everyday that I get to stay home with her. I don’t take it for granted, even after four months of being a stay-at-home mom. It’s been the most fulfilling, rewarding role of my life.
We love you Libby girl!
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PS – I am OBSESSED with this brand for dresses. They are a splurge, but so good. Also these bow headbands come in a pack of 30 for only $13! They’re my new favorite for Libby because of all the color options.

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